Lucknow – On the occasion of the foundation day of the Police Radio Department, Additional Chief Secretary of the Home Department, Deepak Kumar, and Director General of Police, Uttar Pradesh, Prashant Kumar, inaugurated a new digital initiative — the “Police Radio Handbook.”
The event took place at the Police Radio premises, with the booklet prepared by the Police Telecommunication Department being officially launched during a special ceremony.
The event also featured a presentation by Director General of Police Telecommunications, Sanjay Tarde, who highlighted the key achievements of the Police Radio Department. The presentation was well-received by both the Additional Chief Secretary and the DGP, who commended the department’s advancements.
Appreciation and Future Directives
DGP Prashant Kumar praised the efforts of the Police Radio Department personnel for their outstanding work during critical events such as the Pran Pratishtha ceremony in Ayodhya, the recent Lok Sabha elections, and other significant occasions. Both the Additional Chief Secretary and DGP expressed their expectations for maintaining high standards of communication and technical support during the upcoming Mahakumbh, urging the department to ensure the highest level of service for the event.
Exhibition of Technological Advancements
In addition to the launch, an exhibition was held within the Police Radio premises, showcasing cutting-edge technology from leading companies in the field of telecommunications and security. Some of the prominent participants included 63SATS, ZEBRA TECHNOLOGIES, CORAL TELECOM, GLOBUS, REAGENT DG TECH, MCIL, EXICOM, CP PLUS, ARYA COMMUNICATION, POSIDON, SPARSH CCTV, and PRECISION MOBILE COMMUNICATION.
Additional Chief Secretary Deepak Kumar and DGP Prashant Kumar visited the exhibition, reviewing the innovative solutions on display, which are expected to bolster the department’s technical capabilities in future operations.
Ceremonial Recognition
As a gesture of gratitude, Director General of Police, Telecommunications, Sanjay Tarde, presented a memento to both the Additional Chief Secretary and the Director General of Police, acknowledging their support and leadership.
Closing Remarks
The event concluded with Deputy Inspector General of Police, Telecommunications, Headquarters, Pradeep Gupta, delivering a vote of thanks to all attendees and participants, marking the end of the successful launch and celebration of the Police Radio Department’s foundation day.